C1 Magazines

What is representation?

LO: To explore the concepts of representation and stereotypes.

The media offers the audience an interpretation of the world.

Representation is the way that the media portrays a subject, usually fitting to their beliefs, wants and general opinions.

Positive and Negative

The first thing we can consider about representations is if they are positive or negative

This is a positive representation, because it presents a teenager (Lamine Yamal, 16/17) as a new uprising star in football. It does this by explicitly stating "Wonder Boy", which emphasises his skill compared to his age. They do this because of his excellent performance in his debut at the Euros, and how young players such as him, have potential to be mature and talented. 

Stereotype: A generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.

Do Now                                                                                                                    Friday 20th September

1. The way something is shown in order to create a specific impression
2. If it is positive or negative.
3. An idea of a specific type of person, without actual evidence that every person meets the criteria. A generalised representation of a person, place or thing.
4. 2
5.  Audiences


Grandmother: White hair, glasses, knitting, old, floral clothes, moves slowly
Tattoo Lover: Biker, violent, mohawk, angry, sunglasses, dangerous
Private School Boy: Posh, talks very Queen-like, rich, smart, trust fund

The stereotypes are reinforced. The students act rambunctious, and misbehave regularly and the teachers are well-mannered and all want the best in life for their students. The students occasionally backchat to the teachers and the teachers are stern with their warnings and sanctions. The surprising part is that there is some segments that challenge stereotypes, where the students are having mature conversations with the teachers, and in some cases, thanking them.

Representations in Magazines

Lo: To explore the representations found in magazines.

Masthead: The magazine title
Cover lines: The different stories within the magazine.
Main image: The main image
Main cover line: The main story within the magazine
Puff: An eye catching graphic or text to draw attention, anywhere on the cover
Colour palette: The main colours used in the magazine cover
Direct address: When the magazine mentions the reader or when the model looks at you
Star vehicle: A famous person on the cover

Do Now                                                                                                                  Friday 27th September

1. The title of the magazine
2. Cover lines
3. A sticker-like graphic with to reel someone in on a magazine.
4. Positive or negative
5. Stereotypes

1. Normal, Chilled, Cheerful
2. Powerful, Confident, Celebrity-like
3. Stylish, Fancy, Cheerful

Relaxed, Normal, Kind

GQ's aimed towards men, Cosmopolitan is aimed towards women. Cosmopolitan has a puff, GQ does not. Cosmopolitan has a banner, GQ does not. They have different colour palettes, stereotypical to each gender. The genre of magazine is different. The gender of the cover stars are different.
Men are represented as strong in the GQ cover. We can see this because of the emphasis on his hands by the lighting, it shows his tattoos, and his hands are in a fist-like gesture. Using stereotypes, tattoos and fists are usually things associated with strength and power.
Women are represented as people who want to look a certain way. It seems this way because of the cover lines used, "Snack so hard and still drop pounds." and "Flatter Abs, 9 minutes flat." This can also be proved through the use of the star vehicle, who is a slim, young woman who follows beauty standards. The use of these methods all work together to create this impression, by directly linking them together, "Carrie Underwood, all her confidence secrets revealed." This, along with the women target audience, make it seem like woman are people who constantly want to lose weight. 

Friday 4th October

Do Now 

1. Bold, bigger than the other cover lines, and focussed on the main story.
2. When the model looks straight into the camera
3. Puff
4. Blue
5. Referring to a living thing, as if it were an object. 


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